Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Yes that ugly six letter word can happen to any dispensary even those operating with impeccable paper work, accountants and attorneys on referral.

The question is what to if you are raided.  In short the best advice is DO NOT RESIST.  That is what adrenaline driven, coffee drinking law enforcement officers are trained to combat.  To resist is a zero sum game that will leave you bloody, possibly beaten and certainly in jail.

Best advice is to do the following:

1)  Hands up. Put your hands up right away.  Sounds corny but this will put them a little more at ease and increases your chances of going home after the raid is over.

2) Be Still. Do not make any sudden movements.  Believe it or not they are just as nervous as you are-the only difference is that they have automatic weapons aimed at you.

3) Obey their commands.  Sorry but at this point in the game the police are in charge.  Sometimes discretion is the better part of valor.

4) Stay calm.Getting overly emotional at this point will serve no useful purpose. Similarly swearing at the officers during a raid can only make a bad situation worse.  Keep your composure to get through this rough situation and let the lawyers handle things once the raid is over. 

Now the first four items are easy. The next item if followed can save you and everyone else a lot of legal drama.  It is invaluable to keep your Mouth Shut!

5) Don't talk. You are under no obligation to provide law enforcement officers any information regarding the dispensary, collective or co-op. You are under no obligation to give the officers any financial information.  And it goes without saying patient information is protected by state and federal law. Provide your name but nothing else.  As they say in the marines, name, rank and serial number.

6) Invoke your Miranda Rights!  If you don't know what they are are here you go:
  • You have the right to remain SILENT.  Anything you say can be used against you.
  • You have the right to a lawyer
  • If you cannot afford one, one will be appointed for you.
These are just a few things you can do to get through a very hostile and tense situation.  Any questions or concerns please email lawyerwarrior@aol.com.